Stephen Tsai Award

Stephen Tsai Award


Nominate Someone Today!

WHO: Any Person who has had a Positive Impact on an Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorders

HOW: Submit a letter or essay of a deserving person explaining how he/she has:

  • Contributed to the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Has had a positive impact on an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorders

WHEN: Postmarked by October 15, for consideration for the Fall Conference. The winner will be honored at the Fall Conference with free admission, overnight stay, and their name engraved on the Tsai Award with past winners.

WHERE: Send essay to: ASI, 4549 Waterford Drive, West Des Moines, IA 50265. Email to or fax to 515-457-7225.

Who is Stephen Tsai?

Steve is a 36 year old with autism who wants to show his appreciation to those who are helping persons like him by establishing the Stephen Tsai Award for Excellence in Autism Education. Steve was diagnosed with autism at the University of Iowa Autism Program when he was three years old. During the next eight years, while in Iowa, he received Special Education training in the Iowa City Community School System. With the help of lots of dedicated teachers and professionals, Steve has become a productive citizen. For the last 15 years, Steve has been shelving books at the local District Library. He is active in a Friendship Ministry at church and a hand-chimes music group, both for persons with Special Needs. He plays the autoharp, keyboard, and loves to cook, bake, and do household chores. His favorite TV shows are Lawrence Welk, American Idol, and Dancing with the Stars. He is living such a full life because there are so many people who have helped him along the way.

For more information or to nominate someone, click on the link below:

Stephen Tsai Award Information